Webinars 2023

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With the aim of disseminating knowledge and promoting interaction between ALAP partners and researchers in the region, we will be initiating a series of seminars throughout this year 2023, which will revolve around 6 amounts of thematic areas considered in the last meeting of this association such as: Genetic Resources, Breeding and Biotechnology; Production of Seed Tuber; Agronomic Management; Plant Protection and Phytosanity; Consumption and Industry. ALAP communication and dissemination team is in charge of logistics, technical support and communication; while the leaders of each thematic area of the scientific content of the seminars.

Calendar of Activities

ID Dates Schedule (Lima-Peru) Activities Head of the Thematic Area Exhibitions
1 July 12 10:00 Seminar I: Thematic Area of Management Agronomic of Potato Cultivation Dr. Patricio Sandaña, Institute of Plant Production and Health Faculty of Agrarian Sciences Universidad Austral de Chile, patricio.sandana@uach.cl ‣ Mineral nutrition in potato cultivation: advances and challenges to increase nutrient use efficiency. Dr. Rogério Soratto - Full Professor of the Dep. of Vegetal Production. Faculty of Agricultural Sciences. Paulista State University
Dr. Patricio Sandaña - Institute of Plant Production and Health. Faculty of Agricultural and Food Sciences. Austral University of and Chile
2 25 Aug 14:00 Seminar II: Thematic Area of Protection Vegetable / Phytosanitary Dr. Ivette Acuña: Agricultural Research Institute (INIA), Chile, iacuna@inia.cl ‣ Purple Point: Challenge for Latin America.
1. The situation of Punta morada, action plans and preventive recommendations for the southern cone. Dr. Carmen Castillo. INIAP Ecuador
2. Weeds and alternating hosts in the epidemiology of Zebra chip for risk assessment. Dr. Rodney Cooper. USDA, Washington State.
3 21 Set 14:00 Seminar III: Thematic Area of Genetic Resources, Breeding and Biotechnology Dr. Caroline Castro, EMBRAPA - Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuária, caroline.castro@embrapa.br ‣ Genomics-assisted breeding in autopolyploid species: experiences from potato and sweet potato. Dr. Guilherme da Silva Pereira. Federal University of Viçosa
4 Oct 26 14:00 Seminar IV: Thematic Area of Consumer and Industry/ Communication and policies Eng. Natalino Yassushi Shimoyama, ABBA - Associação Brasileira da Batata, abbabatata@uol.com.br ‣ To be defined. Dr. Boris Contreras and Ing Nicolas Bevilacqua
5 Nov 24 14:00 Seminar V: Thematic Area of Seed Tuber Management and Production Eng. Agr. MSc. Jaime Ortego, National Institute of Agricultural Technology (INTA), Argentina, ortegojaime@yahoo.com.ar ‣ To be defined
‣ To be defined
ID Dates Schedule (Lima-Peru) Activities Head of the Thematic Area Exhibitions