Our board of trustees 2023 - 2025 consists of five members with wide experience that includes general management, improvement of potato clones, technological development, scientific research and environmental protection.
The members for this period are:
Eng. Agr. (MSc) Elisa Salas Murrugarra Plant Improvement and Database Management International Potato Center 1895 La Molina Avenue-Lima 33 - Peru Telf: (+511) 3496017 Ext: 2014 E-mail: e.salas@cgiar.org
Dr. Julio Cesar Kalazich Barassi Agricultural engineer from the Austral University of Chile and Doctor in Plant Genetic Improvement from Cornell University, United States Professor of the Agronomy Course, University of Los Lagos, Osorno, Chile E-mail: julio.kalazich@ulagos.cl
Representative of Region I (Mexico- Central America and the Caribbean)
Dr. Arnulfo Gutierrez Agricultural Engineer, Master and Ph.D. in Agriculture obtained at the University of Moscow. He is currently General Director of the Institute of Agricultural Innovation of Panama (IDIAP) E-mail: arnulfogutierrezgu@gmail.com
Representative of Region II (Andean South America)
Ing. Celfia Obregón Executive Director of Cite Papa and Andean Crops Master in Agribusiness and Food Management at the Universidad del Pacifico Executive Director of the Center for Productive Innovation and Technological Transfer of Potatoes and other Andean Crops - CITE Potatoes and Andean Crops. Tel: +51 999495286 E-mail: celfiaobregon@gmail.com, celfia@aders-peru.org
Representative of Region III - Southern Cone
Eng. Agr. (MSc) Jaime Ortego Sureda Agricultural Engineer from the National University of Cuyo, Mendoza, Argentina Master in Plant Protection, Universidad Austral de Chile, Valdivia, Chile Private Advisor. Retired from the National Institute of Agricultural Technology (INTA) Telf: +34640359504 E-mail: ortegojaime@yahoo.com.ar