Our board of trustees 2016 - 2018 consists of five members with wide experience that includes general management, improvement of potato clones, technological development, scientific research and environmental protection.
The members for this period are:
Eng. Agr. (MSc) Elisa Salas Murrugarra Plant Improvement and Database Management International Potato Center 1895 La Molina Avenue-Lima 33 - Peru Telf: (+511) 3496017 Ext: 2014 E-mail: e.salas@cgiar.org
Dr. Francisco Vilaro Genetics and Plant Improvement INIA - Uruguay Andes 1365 - 12 Floor CP. 11100 Montevideo - Uruguay Telf: (+598) 2902 0550 E-mail: fvilaro2@gmail.com
Representative of Region I (Mexico-Central America and the Caribbean)
Representative of Region II (Andean South America)
Dr. Hector Andrade Specialty in Genetic Improvement Central University of Ecuador - Faculty of Agricultural Sciences 170129 Universitaria Avenue, Quito, Ecuador Telf: (+593) 0998735018 E-mail: handrade@uce.edu.ec
Representative of Region III - Southern Cone
Eng. Agr. (MSc) Jaime Ortego Sureda Researcher and extensionist in Plant Protection Agricultural Experimental Station Mendoza 3853 San Martin Luján de Cuyo Mendoza - Argentina Telf: (0261) 496 3320 E-mail: ortegojaime@yahoo.com.ar