Webinars 2021

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With the aim of disseminating knowledge and promoting interaction between ALAP partners and researchers in the region, we will be initiating a series of seminars throughout this year 2021, which will revolve around 6 amounts of thematic areas considered in the last meeting of this association such as: Genetic Resources, Breeding and Biotechnology; Production of Seed Tuber; Agronomic Management; Plant Protection and Phytosanity; Consumption and Industry.

ALAP communication and dissemination team is in charge of logistics, technical support and communication; while the leaders of each thematic area of the scientific content of the seminars.

Calendar of Activities

ID Dates Schedule (Lima-Peru) Activities Responsible for the Thematic Area Exhibitions
1 April 22 15:00 Webinar I : Thematic Area of ​​ Plant Protection / Phytosanity Dr. Ivette Acuña: Institute of Agricultural Research (INIA), Chile, iacuna@inia.cl ‣ Monitoring of Phytophthora infestans in Latin America. Dr. Florence Lucca, INTA Argentina.
‣ Integrated management and implementation of support tools in Latin America. Dr. Ivette Acuña B. INIA Chile ; Eng. Wilmer Pérez, CIP, Peru.
‣ Current focus on genetic improvement for resistance to Late Blight. Dr. Manuel Muñoz. INIA Chile.
2 May 6 15:00 General Internal Meeting of the Thematic Areas ‣ Analysis
3 June 26 15:00 Webinar II : Thematic Area of Genetic Resources, Improvement and Biotechnology Dr. Caroline Castro, EMBRAPA - Brazilian Agricultural Research Company, caroline.castro@embrapa.br ‣ Potato improvement in Latin America in the face of climate change. MSc, Manuel Gastelo, International Potato Center (CIP), Peru.
‣ Genomic editing and its contribution to the transition from tetraploid to diploid breeding in potatoes. Dr. Félix Eugenio Enciso Rodríguez, AGROSAVI, Colombia.
4 July 1 15:00 General Internal Meeting of the Thematic Areas ‣ Analysis
5 26 Aug 15:00 Webinar III : Thematic Area of Agronomic Management of Potato Crop Dr. Patricio Sandaña, Institute of Plant Production and Health Faculty of Agrarian Sciences Universidad Austral de Chile, patricio.sandana@uach.cl ‣ Analysis of the factors that determine, limit and reduce potato yield: possible lines of research in LATAM. Eng. Daniel Caldiz Agricultural Engineer, National University of La Plata, Argentina / PhD, Wageningen University and Research Center, The Netherlands
6 2 Sept 15:00 General Internal Meeting of the Thematic Areas 27 ‣ Analysis
7 2 Sept 15:00 Webinar IV : Thematic Area of Consumption and Industry / Communication and Policies Eng. Natalino Yassushi Shimoyama, ABBA - Associação Brasileira da Batata, abbabatata@uol.com.br ‣ COVID-19 and the potato sector in Peru: A short-term analysis, Eng. Miguel Ordinola, International Potato Center (CIP), Technical Advisor
‣ Consequences of the Covid-19 Pandemic on the potato chain in the United States, Eng. Saul Mercado, Potatoes USA
‣ Pandemic - Consequences | Cadeia Brasileira da Batata Eng. Natalino Shimoyama, Executive Director - ABBA
8 4 Nov 15:00 General Internal Meeting of the Thematic Areas ‣ Analysis
9 25 Nov 15:00 Webinar V : Thematic Area of ​​ Management and Production of Seed Tuber Eng. Agr. MSc. Jaime Ortego, National Institute of Agricultural Technology (INTA), Argentina, ortegojaime@yahoo.com.ar ‣ Control of the Dispersion of the potato virus "Y" (PVY) in seed production (Differentiated Areas, Insecticides, food behavior of vectors), Eng. Agr. Jaime Ortego (Argentina), Head of the INTA Rural Extension Agency in Malargüe, one of the Differentiated Areas for Potato Seed production in Argentina
‣ Potato seed export possibilities from Latin America to the European Union, Eng. Agr. Fernando Alonso (Spain).
10 Dec 2 15:00 General Internal Meeting of the Thematic Areas ‣ Analysis
ID Dates Schedule (Lima-Peru) Activities Responsible for the Thematic Area Exhibitions