Webinars 2022

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With the aim of disseminating knowledge and promoting interaction between ALAP partners and researchers in the region, we will be initiating a series of seminars throughout this year 2022, which will revolve around 6 amounts of thematic areas considered in the last meeting of this association such as: Genetic Resources, Breeding and Biotechnology; Production of Seed Tuber; Agronomic Management; Plant Protection and Phytosanity; Consumption and Industry.

ALAP communication and dissemination team is in charge of logistics, technical support and communication; while the leaders of each thematic area of the scientific content of the seminars.

Calendar of Activities 2022

ID Dates Schedule (Lima-Peru) Activities Responsible for the Thematic Area Exhibitions
1 January 27 14:00 Internal General Meeting of the Thematic Areas ‣ Analysis
2 March 24 14:00 Webinar I: Thematic Area of Agronomic Management Dr. Patricio Sandaña, Institute of Plant Production and Health Faculty of Agricultural Sciences Universidad Austral de Chile, patricio.sandana@uach.cl ‣ Effective use of water in potatoes: management and optimization of irrigation times. Dr. David Ramírez, International Potato Center, Peru.
‣ Physiological responses, yield and quality of potatoes to increases in temperature. Dr. Carolina Lizana, Institute of Plant Production and Health, Universidad Austral de Chile.
3 April 7 14:00 Internal General Meeting of the Thematic Area Areas ‣ Analysis
4 May 26 14:00 Webinar II: Thematic Area of Genetic Resources, Improvement and Biotechnology Dr. Caroline Cast ro, EMBRAPA - Brazilian Agricultural Research Company, caroline.castro@embrapa.br ‣ Diploid potato breeding: 10 years of experience, lessons learned, promising results and new challenges David Douches, PH.D. Director of Michigan State University Potato Breeding and Genetics Program – Michigan State University
‣ .
5 June 2 14:00 Internal General Meeting of the Thematic Area Areas ‣ Analysis
6 Aug 25 14:00 Webinar III: Thematic Area of ​​ Plant Protection / Phytosanitary Dr. Ivette Acuña: Agricultural Research Institute (INIA), Chile, iacuna@inia.cl Bacterial wilt of potato. What do we know about Ralstonia and its epidemiology?
Dr. Luigi Ciampi, Austral University of Chile
Dr. Homero Urrutia, Professor at the Faculty of Cs. Biologics, Center for Biotechnology, University of Concepción, Chile
7 Set 8 14:00 Internal General Meeting of the Thematic Area Areas ‣ Analysis
8 Sept 22 14:00 Webinar IV: Thematic Area of Consumption and Industry/ Communication and policies Ing. Natalino Yassushi Shimoyama, ABBA - Brazilian Batata Association, abbabatata@uol.com.br ‣ To be defined
‣ To be defined
9 Oct 6 14:00 Internal General Meeting of the Thematic Area Areas ‣ Analysis
10 Nov 24 14:00 Webinar V: Thematic Area of Production of Seed Tuber Ing. Agr. MSc. Jaime Ortego, National Institute of Agricultural Technology (INTA), Argentina, ortegojaime@yahoo.com.ar ‣ To be defined
‣ To be defined
ID Dates Schedule (Lima-Peru) Activities Responsible for the Thematic Area Exhibitions