Editorial committee

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Gabriel, Julio. Eng. Agr. (Ph.D.). 
Main Editor of the Latin American Potato Journal

PROINPA Fundation
Cochabamba - Bolivia
Southern State University of Manabi (UNESUM)
Jipijapa, Ecuador

Members Special field
Institution E-Mail
Bentley, Jeffery W. Antropólogo Agrícola (Ph.D.)
Anthropology, integrated pest management, extension Agro-Insight, Belgium. Jeff@agroinsight.com
Bisognin, Dilson. Ing. Agr.  (Ph.D.)
Genetics and Plant Improvement Federal University of Santa Maria, Brazil. dilson.bisognin@ufsm.br
Brenes, Arturo. Ing. Agr. (Ph.D.)
Agricultural Biotechnology / Plant Breeding University of Costa Rica, San Jose, Costa Rica. arturo.brenes@ucr.ac.cr
Caldíz, Daniel O. Ing. Agr. (Dr)
Crop and storage physiology, agronomy management, yield limiting and yield reducing factors, crop modeling Global Agronomy - McCain Foods Limited, Argentina. dcaldiz@mccain.com.ar
Camadro, Elsa. Ing. Agr. (Ph.D).
Genetics and Plant Improvement INTA, CONICET and National University of Mar del Plata (UNMdP). Argentina. camadro.elsa@inta.gob.ar
Capezio, Silvia. Ing. Agr. (M.Sc.),
Crop Improvement and Management National University of Mar del Plata, Argentina. capezio.silvia@inta.gob.ar
Castillo, José Antonio. Biol (Ph.D.)
Interaction Plant - Microbe SENESCYT, Ecuador. jose_antonio_castillo_cl@yahoo.com
Cuesta, Xavier. Ing. Agr. (Ph.D.)
Genetics and Plant Improvement INIAP, Ecuador. x_cuesta@hotmail.com
Da Silva Pereira, Arione. Ing. Agr. (Ph.D.)
EMBRAPA, Brasil.
EMBRAPA, Brazil. arione.pereira@embrapa.br
Del Rio, Alfonso.  Ing. Agr. (Ph.D.)
Genetics, Conservation and Use of Potato Germplasm University of Wisconsin, United States. adelrioc@wisc.edu
Devaux, André. Ing. Agr. (Ph.D)
Potato production systems, innovation systems, development of inclusive value chains, food and nutrition security, institutional development. < / font> International Potato Center, Peru. a.devaux@cgiar.org
Franco, Javier. Ing. Agr. (Ph.D.)
Nematology PROINPA Foundation, Bolivia. j.franco@proinpa.org
Huarte, Marcelo. Ing. Agr. (Ph.D.)
Genetics and Plant Improvement INTA Argentina. huarte.marcelo@inta.gob.ar
López Delgado, Homberto A. Ing. Agr. (Dr.)
Physiology-Biotechnology. Oxidative stress INIFAP, Conjunto, SEDAGRO, Mexico. lopez.humberto@inifap.gob.mx 
Lozoya, Héctor. Ing. Agr. (Ph.D.)
Physiology-Biotechnology. Oxidative stress University of Chapingo, Texcoco, Mexico. lozoya@correo.chapingo.mx
Mizubuti, Eduardo. Ing. Agr. (Ph.D.)
Phytopathology, fungal diseases, classical and molecular epidemiology. Federal University of Viçosa, Brazil. mizubuti@ufv.br
Mora, Rafael. Ing. Agr. (Dr.)
Improvement, physiology and seed production. University of Chapingo, Texcoco, Mexico. moraarfitara@gmail.com
Mosquera, Teresa. Biol. (Ph.D.)
Genetics and Plant Breeding National University of Colombia, Bogota, Colombia. tmosquerav@gmail.com
Ñustez, Carlos. Ing. Agr. (Dr.)
Genetics and Plant Improvement National University of Colombia, Bogota, Colombia. cenuztezl@unal.edu.co
Prat, Salomé. Biol. (Ph.D)
Molecular Biology National Biotechnology Center, UAM, Spain. sprat@cnb.csic.es
Ríos, Domingo Ing. Agr. (Ph.D.)
Phytogenetic Resources and Horticulture CCBAT, University of La Laguna. Canary Islands. Spain. dominr2003@yahoo.es
Rubio Covarrubias, Oswaldo. Ing. Agr. (Ph.D.)
Soils INIFAP, Mexico.
Ruiz de Galarreta, José Ignacio. Biol. (Ph.D.)
Genetic Enhancement NEIKER Tecnalia, Spain. jiruiz@neiker.net
Pereira, Arione da S. Ing. Agr. (Ph.D.)
Quantitative Genetics and Plant Improvement EMBRAPA, Brasil.
Salas, Elisa. Ing. Agr. (M.Sc.)
Plant improvement and Database Management. International Potato Center, Peru. e.salas@cgiar.org 
Vilaró, Francisco. Ing. Agr. (Ph.D.)
Genetics and Plant Improvement INIA, Uruguay.